Men do not even know that during pregnancy women face many problems rhl that hinder its good sleep. And nausea, and heartburn and cramps in the legs, and shift the center of gravity, which adds extra load on the spine, and the snoring of the same man - that's not the whole list of problems expectant mother. A woman from the second trimester of pregnancy is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep because very large belly prevents normal position the body even at the very comfortable bed.
The first weeks of pregnancy, when the uterus has not grown and protected pubic bone, you can easily afford to sleep in any comfortable position rhl for you. And in the first trimester are beginning to grow breasts and uterus, and the position on the stomach will be uncomfortable, rhl because breasts are very sensitive compression.
In the second trimester the size of your belly is already quite large, and in the middle you start to feel the stirring of another person - your baby. And, despite the fact that the baby is safely protected seedcoat, amniotic fluid, uterus and muscles of your abdomen, lying on your stomach, you are doing pressure on kids. Sleep and just lie on your stomach you uncomfortable. But, being on the side to turn up around the new life, listening to the movements of hands and feet, much easier.
By the way, it is better to sleep on your left side, this helps out transport nutrients and oxygen to the body's tiny fetus. In this position improves blood flow to the place where the fruit improves the function of the kidneys and liver, which reduces swelling feet. This is especially true will in the third trimester.
Hard head of your child while at the entrance to a small basin since 30-34 weeks of pregnancy causes poor circulation to your lower extremities when you're lying in the supine position. rhl This compressed inferior vena cava, which is responsible for the flow of blood from the legs to the heart, and the constant pressure on her very negatively influence both the health of the expectant mother (fainting, dizziness, tachycardia) and child (acute or chronic hypoxia, premature rhl placental abruption).
Do not even think to worry if you wake in the night on the back or the stomach - if your child is uncomfortable - he must tell you. Quietly, return rhl to the side and continue to sleep. Vyspana expectant mother - smiling baby in the tummy. What is the position to take pregnant while you sleep?
On the side. Preferably on the left. Tummy comfortable lull along. And that was convenient to the body, then put a pillow between your legs or folded blanket; one foot can throw at her husband; under the belly can put a small pillow; quite convenient and comfortable to use special pillows rhl for pregnant women. They can be purchased at specialty stores or sew yourself. rhl Below is cut scheme of pillows. Material better pick up strong, because this pillow and postpartum needed. And in the middle can be put down or polyester.
Men not even dohadыvayutsya, something t TIME pregnancy in women voznykaet many problems meshayuschyh ee GOOD sleep. And nausea, and heartburn, and cramps in the legs, and OFFSET center rhl of gravity, something dobavlyaet lyshnye load on the spine, and the same Snoring Men - is else is not the whole list see mamы future problems. Woman has co echoed trimester of pregnancy slozhno find udobnuyu position for sleep, Ved Very Large abdominal meshaet normally raspolozhyt tulovysche rhl Even in the most komfortnoy bed.
First Nedeli pregnancy, when the uterus is not vыrosla else being protected lobkovыmy and bones, you can allow me vpolne himself to sleep in lyubom more convenient for you position. But in late trimester эtoho nachynayut uvelychyvatsya molochny'j gland and Situation in neudobnыm Living Will, after molochny'j gland Very chuvstvytelnы at szhatyy.
Vo echoed Dimensions vasheho trimester tummy already dostatochno bolshye, and in the middle since chuvstvovat You shevelenyya else one person - vasheho Malysh. And, Despite that, something more reliable Malysh being protected plodovыmy shell, okoloplodnoj zhydkostyu, matkoy and abdominal muscles vasheho, Berat to live, you okazыvaete pressure of at Malysh. Bed and just lie on the living neudobno you. And IOP nahodyas on hand obvytsya up Around rhl Novaya life, pryslushyvayas for movement ruchek and nozhek, Gorazd udobnee.
Way, better to sleep on the left side, this helps to transport out pytatelnыh substances and oxygen for the fetus kroshechnomu's organism. In this Posay uluchshaetsya flushed for revenge, where nahodytsya fetus, uluchshaetsya rhl kidney and liver Business, promotes Reduction otekov noh. This is true Will Especially rhl in the third trimester.
Tverdaya head vasheho Malysh, nahodyas rhl at the entrance to the basin has malыy with 30-34 Nedeli pregnancy, can provotsyrovat Violation circulatory your bottom limbs, when You're rhl lying on your back in POSITION. In this vein szhymaetsya Lower Paul, kotoraja otvechaet for postuplenye blood from the heart for noh and postoyannoe pressure of at nee Very negative otrazytsya rhl As for the future rhl health mamы (dizziness, holovokruzheny
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