Sunday, December 28, 2014

Pregnancy - a truly magical moment darrell sheets in the life of every woman. The woman is not only

How to sleep during pregnancy | Pregnancy - all important for pregnant women
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A full night's darrell sheets sleep is important, the more important it is for pregnant women. During pregnancy the body is increased loads. It is no accident almost the first weeks pregnant woman feels tired and irresistible urge to lie down and sleep. Good sleep - one of the reliable and effective ways for the body to restore its resources.
Unfortunately, during pregnancy, when good sleep is so important for women to fall asleep and sleep can be difficult. One reason - the difficulty in choosing a sleeping posture. Of course, everyone has their favorite poses, which he likes to sleep. But many pregnant darrell sheets women have to give time for some poses to sleep because of their danger to health of a child or even the expectant mother.
Make haste to please future mothers darrell sheets - some weeks to 12 can afford to sleep as accustomed. But try to gradually wean from the habit of sleeping on your back or stomach - so soon you will not be able to sleep.
Since the beginning darrell sheets of the 2nd trimester should stop sleeping on your stomach - it becomes more dangerous for the baby. After all, even though the baby is well protected and tummy mother, but there is risk of injury. And the more belly grows in size, the more difficult to sleep in this position. By the middle of the third trimester is likely to remind swing, not a comfortable position darrell sheets to sleep.
Also from the beginning of the 2nd trimester try to give up sleep on his back. By the beginning of the third trimester sleep in this position is strictly prohibited. For quite a big baby and uterus will put pressure on your lower back, intestines and pinch a major vein, the so-called vena cava, which is part of the blood flow to the lower body. So sleep on his back by the middle of the 2nd - early third trimester will not work. You instantly feel bad - can begin dizziness, more frequent palpitations, pressure drops, begin breathing problems, feel numbness, disturbed blood supply of the kidneys darrell sheets and placenta. That is, the child will feel the lack of oxygen, as it will inform you immediately, began vigorously pushing and kicking.
If you can not sleep, you help take a comfortable position and sleep are normal pillows. Always keep near her soft pillows of various sizes. One pad can be placed under the back, under the second stomach, another - between the knees. However, if you lie on your left side, pull the left leg and right - bend. If the right side, then pull the right leg and bend your left.
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