Thursday, December 25, 2014

For those who can not find a suitable position for sleep and wondering how to sleep better during p

Better off to sleep during pregnancy
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The human body is designed so that at least once a day he needs to rest. A full sound sleep gives energy, restores physical and mental strength. During pregnancy, vacation vital woman, because her body is increased loads, it now works on two body instead of one.
Although sleep is necessary dostatno and fully, many pregnant women have problems with sleep. Some always want to take a nap, others muchaye insomnia. As in this situation mixlar to establish a healthy, long dream that gives courage and peace? Why pregnant sleepy?
Drowsiness in the first trimester is associated with the production of large quantities of the hormone progesterone. It regulates the female reproductive cycle and increase its content in the blood naturally. However, due to the fact that a woman's body is not accustomed to such amount of the hormone, he quickly tired and want to sleep constantly pregnant.
To make it easier mixlar and faster to fall asleep at night, you can take a warm bath, drink milk with honey or mint before bed, walk in the fresh air. If you still can not sleep, we should accept this and try to just lie down and relax. Although it is inadequate sleep, but in the rest.
In the second trimester mixlar is usually when pregnant and want plenty of sleep, only to fatigue. In these three months, compared with the first felt less fatigue. Hormones are not raging and rising slowly and rhythmically, the body copes successfully with them and not waste all available energy. Evenings filled quickly and easily. mixlar
In the last trimester drowsiness may again remind myself. The reason is lack of sleep. Why this happens is easy to guess. By the third trimester pregnant belly is growing strongly, to find a suitable position for sleep is becoming harder.
In addition, proper rest prevent frequent urge the toilet mixlar because of the pressure of the fetus on the bladder and heartburn, cramps, snoring and pushing mixlar baby. Because of all this, much worse sleep quality and pregnant always want to take a nap.
In the last weeks of pregnancy a woman may begin to sleep 15-18 hours a day. Why pregnant sleeps a lot during this period? So the body prepares for childbirth stores power. At this time, no need to worry that she is pregnant too long sleep, it is necessary to further save energy rather difficult test - the birth.
Moreover, in recent weeks the third trimester of a woman is difficult to choose position for sleeping, sleeping fitfully, so quickly get tired and as a result, always wants to sleep. How to sleep during pregnancy: the optimal position for sleep
In order to somehow improve the quality of sleep during pregnancy and not hurt your child, you should choose the right position. In the first trimester can sleep in any position that is like. However, by week 12 should get used to sleep on my left side. In this position recommended sleep in subsequent trimesters.
Relax on the abdomen or back is allowed only in the first trimester. mixlar Next to these provisions will be based not only inconvenient but also dangerous. Since posture on his stomach and all so clear lie on stomach after he grows up, becomes problematic, besides you can crush or injure the fetus.
If the side of the bed quite uncomfortable to 28 weeks can be laid on his back. However, it is best to learn to sleep on your left side, since the supine fruit presses on the intestine, kidney and vena cava. As a result, bad blood enters the mother's tissues and organs of the body and to the fetus.
Dizziness, breathing difficulties appear, reduced pressure, frequent palpitations, disturbed blood flow in the placenta and kidney, acute hemorrhoids. The child also did not like it out on his back, he pushed and actively moving.
How to sleep during pregnancy, so that mother and baby feel comfortable? Most optimal posture for sleep is considered position, lying on the left side. In this position the best functioning circulation, the fetus gets enough oxygen and nutrients.
When cross-presentation doctors may recommend a sleep on the right side if the head of the child is on the right. Naturally, all night sleep in a very difficult mixlar position, so you should turn over to the other side several times during sleep.
For those who can not find a suitable position for sleep and wondering how to sleep better during pregnancy, it was convenient and comfortable, there are a few recommendations: to sit on the bed easier, you can use pillows. They can be put in the back, pi

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