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Houses all prepared - bed, mattress, bedding, strollers, bath, numerous garment. Now you can think about how to make more convenient and practical care for the baby. For example, it helps cushion feeding make the process more comfortable? Should I buy it? Previously, our grandmothers and mothers came up with different tricks to baby during feeding to reduce leaking hand, stress quilts etc the spine and occipital region. And here came from someone designers thought of fabricated convenient quilts etc and beautiful pillows for feeding babies. Now you can buy them at any internet - shop that sells children's products or specialized boutiques, department of large department store. In the presence of home sewing machine basics and needlework pillow quilts etc you can improvise their own hands. Only with experience comes the understanding that feeding pillow - a very useful acquisition, which should be done before the birth of the baby. In this article, "Women's whims" will tell what other features you can put this pillow as her choose. It may be useful during pregnancy. A little about breastfeeding in breastfeeding important factors is the presence of mother's milk, positive emotions and physical comfort felt by the baby and mother. Currently, many pediatricians recommend feeding a newborn at his request and demand. A mother's breasts quilts etc require child can 10 to 15 times per day. Moreover, some kids get enough 10 minutes, while others need a slow and quiet sucking about half an hour. No other available funds of the woman is very difficult to stay in one position quilts etc long enough not tired back, almost numb hands, there was no pain from tension. To process feeding was pleasant and happy baby and his mother must take care of a quiet and secluded spot on the couch or chair with high back, a small bench for feet and special podushechtsi feeding. Noticed quilts etc if nursing a good mood if it comfortably, even babies quilts etc seems pleasant meal. It is important quilts etc from the first days of life newborn to learn how to carry out the process of breast feeding. You need to raise the baby on the breast level, that is not necessary to pull the breast to mouth baby, and the baby with milk to the nipple. That helps out here and pillow. What is this thing? It helps to firmly secure quilts etc the tender crumb body, allows the nurse to relieve your muscles of the arms, back, neck, occipital region. The usual support arms without pillows can provide maximum comfort women and babies. Convenient outside when a woman does not get tired - it's the key to successful and lasting quilts etc breastfeeding. No newfangled mixture quilts etc can be better than milk produced in the female body. Everything is thought out in these models pillows, special form, texture and rounded edges allow your child comfortable dive into a soft surface and feel as if in the arms of his beloved mother. List the advantages given to feeding pillow: Allows you to properly attach the baby to the breast. Frees hands lactating women, that at this time you can flip through a magazine or book, answer the phone, quilts etc eat an apple or cookies, drink juice or cocoa. Relieves stress on the neck muscles, neck, back, spine, allows you to keep good posture. It becomes quilts etc possible to change the position quilts etc of the body, if the baby is eating slowly and long. The kid is right, quilts etc comfortable quilts etc feeling. quilts etc If a woman feeding lying down, it may lean on a pillow or put her back on her baby and give it a second quilts etc breast. Some mothers choose a condition where the baby is placed on a bed so that his head out from under the mouse moms and legs behind my mother. quilts etc If a woman has twins or twins, it is thanks to cushion can feed two babies at the same time. To cushion invented other functions: it will help younger babies learn to sit alone. When connecting two ends shaped pillows cozy "nest" in which you can put your baby when he considers the toys on the floor on a blanket pidsteleni. When the baby falls asleep on the couch, pillow, place it on the edge of the child fell. Suitable for short games and gymnastic exercises. You will need to travel and travel by car. How to use the pillow quilts etc during pregnancy? If a woman sleeps Categories
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