Monday, December 8, 2014

11.12. Agility Competition, Seinäjoki ensembles (Wall Sports Arena). Games A + B (jumping) + C, the

Anemoneniitty.netin diary. Anemoneniityllä is home to three of the German Shepherd dog, 5 Australian Terrier, Silky Terrier, 3 domestic cats, a couple of dozen hermeliinikania and 1 ranskanluppa, a dozen Syrian hamsters, guinea pigs and the fifty two kesyrottaa.
11.12. Agility Competition, Seinäjoki ensembles (Wall Sports Arena). Games A + B (jumping) + C, the judge: Kari Jalonen, classes 1.2. Ilmot 23.11. SAGI, system. Lagu Yesterday Championships at Seinäjoki Wall Sports Arena! Timi has and Roosa had MINI2 class 2 in both the start. ensembles Pink and Timi. Please note Tim's foot "of water in the cup!" : D We Aussies results:
[All data] Ekasta start-up ensembles Roosa 5 (sticks) and Tim 10 (Lehmi and the length of the wall). From the second start-up, Tim 5 (while dropping pieces of the wall) and Rose 10 (sticks + freak-outs on the fence). The positive ensembles was that the more that is not pelleilty sticks. The day before, when kenraaliharjoiteltiin canes, so both of which had time fooling around. In addition, the Pink performed the swing in a civilized manner, although sometimes jump from there down prematurely. Tim also alakontaktille boom hit hätinnä one paw claws, but it does not judge by mistake and A, after all went quite ok. And Timi remained firmly loss, even though we are so nicely rehearsals had been on the side of progress. Just OK performance, however, as a whole, when the World Cup is not the time been. Maiju Parviainen videotaped B track. Timi:
I made my first otherwise expensive shoe purchase! The only sneakers had been left in a training ensembles hall and my pretensions that I would cope talvikengillä, proved to be wrong very soon after getting to the competition venue, ensembles the amount of hot fire in the legs. So I had to buy a brand sports shoes right! Their price was 99e, but I guess I showed up just as a poor as I am, that POPOT promised 85. Luckily, I had the previous day jyrsijänäyttelyssä gone three hamsters world and tax refunds come! I tried also take comfort in the thought that others buy hundreds of euros just because shoes are fine. And I think I quite a few of these I have time to make the start, ensembles when Halpahallistakin purchased sneakers use for so long that the heels of collapse. ; D materialism: Sponsored by: Pink and new leash & collar, Timi, new shoes, mumman Tallinn Cruises brought kissafleecetakki, Friskies fresh food for both the reward of the race ended with, Canis Tempus training booklet, as well as the Planet of the bed tonnikalanamuja to Oiva's home crowd brought me, when they sons on display. : D I also bought such a flexible ensembles fleece and a belt braided leash, which Roosa is pictured around his neck, as well as the puolikiristävä fleece / reflector collar. Must not slip into that kind of neck, while having ensembles a dog Box, race or rehearsals and take to the track. ensembles I got the idea for example. Wizard's owner Anna Parviainen, as this gave us control technology courses, and showed some of the stuff in your koirallaan and hired its leikittämällä Such an Leash. World Cup, when the dog takes off the leash at the beginning of the track, so the workers will take the end of the track to wait, then so is the pay there as soon as the dog waiting for the battle to play! : D No need to hold the balls or other toys in the pockets of bottling, when you go to the track. Surprisingly, Pink took a new toy and pay the once Timi was a little embarrassed, that surely leads fall play, but lämpenihän too. Civilian we still köysimäiset leads and round leather side clamping collars. For everyday use I would like that, because that kind of wide fleece can consume the lion's share aussin brush, and a flexible ensembles leash is difficult nypätä the dog, if it pulls and pulls, especially Timi often. ;) Loppujäähdyttelyä in the parking lot! Aussies straps are tied together, that Pink was invented anything stupid. ;) Racing in the dog requires and harsh for my kind of panicked and all the exciting man with routine and in these games it does not really had since being taidettu start last spring, with Tim in April and Light in May. Then, Pink has been on maternity ensembles leave, while Timi has developed a thing or two, which is why organizing clubs have been forced to return the race fees veterinary certificate. And your club competitions ensembles we could not get on board because the owner of temporary homes missed the last date, we will no longer ensembles come late, the already pretty huge ilmomäärän why. : P What Timi it is to developed a race of his career thwart it? 17.9 World Championships in Seinäjoki, we had to cancel, because Timi took on a new sakemannityttömme Elli and got a shoulder wound. November we again missed the World Championships ensembles Vöyri because Timi cut off her nails just jogging in the forest root of the whole pack raging free. Macho despite Timi is enough to miss the hospital as soon as the condition when the clutches of the question. Clove was so sore grimacing half off and wound up with meat, that we did not get anything about it. I tried to keep the ice cubes cloves against that

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