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Very often seizures in pregnant women begin to show after the fourth month of pregnancy during the formation of bone in it. This is due to a lack of vitamin C. You should also avoid foods that contain calcium, potassium and magnesium. congee queen
Seizures can be confusing at low glucose levels. Glucose is necessary for energy production not only my mother, but for the full development of the fetus. To maintain blood glucose at the required level during pregnancy should eat. If you eat a lot before bedtime - a reason to reduce the appearance of glucose and seizures.
If a pregnant woman has acquired disease - varicose veins, it also contributes to the court. With increasing fetal disturbed and slows blood flow to the pelvis. Due to this, in the lower extremities is stagnation of blood and swollen feet. Violated the delivery of blood to the muscles.
Those who did not refuse from smoking and taking plenty of fluids with caffeine also concerned convulsive states. Leads to muscle spasms anoxia from intake of nicotine. From caffeine muscles lose water and come to voltage.
How to remove muscle spasm? Must it several times slowly pull to relax and take deep breaths. When you need a light massage to warm up the muscles. You can get up and go for a while. Then lie down, put feet high on the pillow, the blood began to climb up to the pelvis.
Interesting page on which the period of maternity leave go Nutrition and pregnancy planning a pregnancy test does not show the development of the child in the womb when planning pregnancy hormones. Analyses of hormones
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