Health Tips For Family The feeding in pregnancy Tweet A food during pregnancy Proper power supply not only help the baby get stronger, but the benefit tambina mother avoiding discomfort that are directly realcionados with the food you eat. Not just "eating for two" is learn to harness foods to give your baby what you need. Remember that weight gain depends on the size and complexin of every woman. Is more, in many pregnancies women lose weight during the first quarter due to digestive disorders that causes the baby, but the average increase during gestation ranges from 10-13 kg. These kilos that ganars generally are distributed as follows: 2.5 to 3 kg. the weight of the baby. 2 to 2.5 kg. of proteins, fats and other nutrients that are stored in your body. 1.5 additional blood. vova 1.5 additional bodily fluids. 1kg. increase the bust. 1kg. the increase of the uterus. 1kg. the amniotic fluid in which the baby is staying. 0.5 kg. placenta. It is important to also take care not to gain too much weight because it leads to complications in childbirth and also affects the health of the baby; In short, you should go to your doctor once a month to monitor your pregnancy.
About a pregnant woman should eat 300 calories more than those who consume no be, especially in the last two trimesters of pregnancy because that is when the baby is growing and forming their defenses. Proper power supply vova generally is eating a balanced power supply vova containing nutrients bsicos the four food groups (cereals and tubers, vova legumes, animal products, fruits and vegetables). Each of your meals should contain a product of each group, the racin depend on your needs and lifestyle. Maybe you're a very active woman, then your rations Bern be a bit more big. Take care that all the food you consume estn well cleaned and disinfected to prevent you cause gastrointestinal or other problems. The doctors recommend that nutrition is composed of foods rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, calcium and iron, also Sealan that should reduce salt intake to prevent retention of causing liquids feet or body parts to swell. About a pregnant woman should eat 300 calories more than those who consume no be, especially in the last two trimesters vova of pregnancy because that is when the baby is growing and forming their defenses. But these calories should not come from anywhere (entindase sweets or desserts) should be nutritious food for your baby ah can take the nutrients vova it needs to thrive. It bsico remember that anything that the mother eat during pregnancy directly affects the baby, which is why in addition to the restriction of salt, experts also recommend avoiding drinking alcohol or smoking. The snuff, the alcoholic beverages, vova drugs and medications that your doctor will not prescribe, may damage the developing baby ocasionndole poisoning and other more severe problems. Also special recommendations made in women suffering from anemia or desnutricin when pregnant or think when they become pregnant, so does the very young teenagers or women with a very low weight, suffering from diabetes, tuberculosis or Drug Addiction n. The state in which they find their bodies, speaking of nutrients, directly affects the development of the baby. Therefore, it is essential with a more detailed asesoramdica and monitored during vova pregnancy or if you plan to become pregnant in the near term.
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