Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Diets and Exercises

Diets and Exercises "Keep Lnea Tweet Diet Diet to keep to keep If you keep this up menu engordarsy husband pillow not miss overweight you have the time of booking. This diet is for a day in which predominarn carbohydrates (275g -53%). And proteins (130g - 20%) - also fat (79g 27%) are taken. The milk must be skimmed and whole wheat bread. Throughout the daslo you can use 60 cc of oil (4 tablespoons). Meat and fish can substitute an omelette of two eggs and vegetables can replace it with a clarita soup pasta. Although there are no restrictions on drinking note the caloric content thereof, to be aadido the caloric content of the diet. Avoid beer and sugary sodas. Breakfast: 200 cc of milk alone or with coffee, malt ot. And to choose: * 60g 10g bread with margarine (or 10 biscuits type mara). * 60g 50g bread ms very lean serrano ham (or 30g of ham york) * 50g bread ms ms 10g margarine 100g of fruit. Media morning: * 100g * Caf co fruit milk (50 cc) Food: * Consome scouring and choose between: * 50g of rice or pasta (spaghetti, macaroni ...) * 65g of lentils, chickpeas, peas or dry beans. husband pillow * 225g potatoes or fresh peas * 200g of vegetables or vegetable loam * 175g 250g white meat or fish fruit * 100g * 70 g of bread Snack: husband pillow * 200 cc of milk alone or with coffee, malt ot. Dinner: Same as lunch * If you want you can change the dish of meat or fish per 150g or 75g very lean ham serrano jamon york. Two or three times a week you can change this dish for an egg and a clear another ms 90 g of very lean (or 55 g of ham york) serrano husband pillow ham. Before bed: * 100 cc of milk. Duration: you want. Weight lost: If no ests at your ideal weight perders superfluous.
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Comments: martha medina Radillo I would like to purchase their products but as I do to take charge of wholesale By saida lopez I like that offered me a diet that can be consumed daily for a week to lose weight. Thanks for jose rodriguez want to make a diet, effective since I have a sobrpeso of at least 17 kilos my BMI is 35 ... that suguieren me ... thanks in advance husband pillow for spray wave I have 16 years weight and measure 45 1.53 would like to keep my weight would give me a diet to keep up or down or stay in 45kg thanks .. !! By maria torrealba seems excellent this recipe By sandra war hi i have been reading their diets and seem to be very good going acer diet and tell them as I was by cristina hi guys the truth is that their diets do not work because I still equal or By griselda worst fat Cristina, if you follow the same or worse than fat really did not do the diet, did 1 to 2 days and already want to lose all you ate tamales at Christmas .. ha ha ha, this diet is to keep no weight loss, Leele well. By undunc-online need to check :) Add comments to this article
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