Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spinal twist / Spine Twist, bend both legs and pull them up to your chest. Stretch one leg and fall

An hour Yinyoga dakimakura for Earth | YogaLiv
Tomorrow is Earth Hour so take the opportunity and turn off the lights between dakimakura the hours of 20:30 and 21:30. For the environment and the earth. But what can you do? In the dark. Last year I lit lot of light and did the one hour Yinyoga during the dark hours. So I can tell if. Below is a one hour sequence you can do.
When you do Yinyoga, remember to relax your muscles and when you go into the position to go to a point where it feels good to stay long. Strive not for anything but to accept that things are as they are and be was. Focus on the breath and the sensations in the body. Rest one half minute between each position. On my website for more information on Yinyoga and more positions if you want to know more.
Butterfly Half / Half Butterfly Sit here on a folded blanket or pillow so your pelvis may help to tip forward. Bend one leg and place the foot sole against the inner thigh. Inhale and stretch up the back. Exhale and fold forward. Relax your back and your legs outstretched. Lean forward on the arms or resting on a pillow. Bulla up with pillows or blankets that you need. Hold the position dakimakura for 5 minutes and then switch side.
Seal / Salen Come up on your elbows, you can have your hands straight up or folded. If you want to come up a bit more, you can have your elbows on a bolster or pillow. If you are moving in the back, you can support yourself on straight arms. Relax your entire back, buttocks and legs. Stay there for 5 minutes. Breathe out and lie down on your stomach.
Frog / Frog Come out with your knees wide apart and sink back toward your heels. Resting with the body on the floor or on a bolster dakimakura or pillow. Relax and hold for 5 minutes. Breathe out and lie down on your stomach. Feel how it feels in your body.
Dragonfly dakimakura / Dragonfly Seating straddled dakimakura with straight legs as far apart as possible, preferably on a folded blanket. Inhale, stretch up the back and then pull forward. Relax your back and legs. Lean forward on the arms or resting on a bolster or pillow. You can have a rolled blanket under the knees if it is uncomfortable with completely straight legs. Hold the position for 5 minutes.
Shoelace / shoelace Bend one leg so your knee pointing forward and put the other leg over. Try to get your heels close to your hips and knees close together, but it is also possible to set upper leg foot on the outside of your lower knee. If it is very inconvenient, you can have the lower leg straight. Inhale and stretch up the back. Exhale and fold forward. Lean forward on the arms or resting on a pillow. Relax. Keep 4 minutes and then switch side.
Resting angel / Dormant angel Fold one leg back so the heel is at your hip. Add other leg with knee and foot outward at the knee of the other leg. Lie back either on the floor, on a bolster dakimakura / cushion or sit back on his arms. Relax and hold for 4 minutes. Come then gently up and change pages.
Forward bend / Forward Bending Its like on a folded blanket or pillow. Keep your legs straight out in front of you. Inhale, raise your back and lean forward. Lean against the arms or against dakimakura a bolster or pillow. Relax your back and legs. Hold for 5 minutes.
Spinal twist / Spine Twist, bend both legs and pull them up to your chest. Stretch one leg and falls with the other leg to the floor over the straight leg. Extend the opposite arm straight out to the side. Have a pillow under the knee and / or a blanket under the shoulder blade on the ride up. If you want you can have both legs bent and fall with both out to the side. Do the twist you like best. Just let go, let your body sink into the floor and hold for 4 min. Replace the late side.
Savasana Lie on your back, let your arms be a bit outside of the body with palms facing upward. Let your feet fall apart. Relax. Take a slightly deeper dakimakura breath and as you exhale, let your body melt down against the mat. Take your attention to your natural breath and keep your attention on it. Sleeping time of at least 5 minutes. To get out, roll over on your right, dakimakura take a few breaths there and then came gently up into a sitting again.
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