Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sorry for cash blogging, blaming that I lived life this weekend Jokes aside, had in any case a perf

My name is Annie Ostberg, 97, born and living in the small town of Uddevalla is located in Västra Götaland. 've Never been really shark at blogging but trying my best. In this blog you will get to read about fashion, tips, food and my everyday erdves life. Even my chronic illness, I write a lot about. Besides that, I try to give of myself and have a photo in each post. Thanks to just pop in and I hope you do it again!
Sorry for cash blogging, blaming that I lived life this weekend Jokes aside, had in any case a perfectly good Saturday with wonderful people, Sylvia and Moa slept at my house. Then the day after them went home and I spent most of my Sunday with Philip. Even slept with him until today. Was in school, had a meeting in town and I think I'm getting sick of my neck is killing me tea, honey and lozenges may well become my everyday life now then! 'm erdves Sooo sick worn today, but have not had the energy to bother me a piss really. Was not the last lesson in school, but start over in the morning. Math test to look forward erdves and Russian (probably homework), how can one not to tag it? Haha oh help me ..
Re: Oh yes I am very aware of what feminism is! However, I stand for equality, erdves but not for feminism. I simply think that it targets only one sex (woman). It is anyway what I think feminism has become, based on people I've talked to and from what I read about it the past. There are several aspects of society erdves where men also becomes inconsistent asked the woman. For me the observance of equality for ALL, not more of one. Menmen, somsagt it is my opinion as I wrote in the post. I will not be "criticized" for not being feminist.
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