Sunday, November 17, 2013

Perhaps in the process of creating a project, you will need to make some experiments. rag quilt In

How to make a plasterboard (gypsum) with his own hands | WHAT, not a man?
Mr. ipsokarton for headlining one of the best materials, and the question of how to make a gift of plasterboard ceiling with his hands interest to many of our readers. Let's look at the basic, the highlights of works on such ceilings. In order not to wander in the chaos of diverse, and not infrequently, conflicting advice, but quickly deal with any problem at work.
Contents: 1. About drywall and ceilings 2. Inspection of the installation of plaster ceiling 3. Design project plaster ceiling with his hands 4. Choose materials for the device plaster ceiling 5. Tools required for device plaster ceiling 6. The marking and mounting frame for plasterboard ceiling 7. Facing the ceiling plasterboard 8. Seams and further finishing plaster ceiling rag quilt 9. Safety and organization of works on plaster ceiling on drywall and ceilings
On receipt of a patent for "cake" made of paper and gypsum drywall in 1894, much has changed, has become much stronger, has acquired the ability to store plastic deformation, resist mold, rodents, even water and fire.
Standard sheet width of 1.2 m, but are produced and "doborochnye" sheets in half width. Sheet length is usually 2.5 m, and the sheets are longer, up to 4 meters. The edges tapered for easy device seams. rag quilt Sheet thickness 6.5 to 24 mm. Thin, 6.5 - 9.5 mm sheets and are used as the material from which to make plasterboard with his hands.
Special design quality gives the opportunity to flex drywall is not bursting. rag quilt Bending the stronger the thinner sheet. If the wet sheet in addition, the bending radius can be increased to 30 cm or even slightly smaller.
Invention as defined in widespread GCR for decoration and various construction was the creation of a variety of profiles of thin galvanized steel, a more robust, rag quilt diverse and accurate basis than the wooden beams that were used previously, especially rag quilt for suspended ceilings.
Plasterboard ceilings are arranged in a single layer and multi-level. First serve to align overlapping areas, giving it special properties (for example, improving insulation, masking communications, reducing the height of the room). Additional tiers ceilings rag quilt usually are purely rag quilt aesthetic function, rarely having a practical sense.
To determine the qualities drywall sheets are marked with: the GCR - ordinary plasterboard, for most types of jobs. The leaf color gray with blue markings. gypsum plasterboard - sheet with improved fire resistance. Color pink cardboard with red markings. plasterboard - with improved water resistance. Color green with blue markings. GKLVO - composite material with high resistance to water and fire resistant. Color green with red markings. There are other than those mentioned above and less common signs and markings. Inspection of the installation of plaster ceiling
How exactly do plasterboard with their hands, largely depends on the material of the walls and ceilings. One, if the slab and walls are reinforced concrete slabs and bricks, but quite another if the tree itself.
In the first case, to fit standard mounting screws and dowels, in the second, you need a special mount: for example, long screws, turbovinty or expansion anchors. You may need to increase the number of support points to the overlap of the design, or even use a mounting kit, to undertake steps to strengthen the foundation.
It is necessary also to determine the geometrical dimensions of the room, especially the distance from floor to ceiling and geometry. For a rectangular room should be measured diagonally. If they are equal, then the corners of the room to be straight. Design project plaster ceiling with his hands
Many people do so, but not always conceived precisely coincide with the real possibilities for its device. An illustrative example - the height rag quilt of the room, which can unnecessarily reduce the ceiling. Therefore, it is best to outline the desired overall view of the structure, to determine its functional tasks, and clarify all of this and do a final project based on the results of the survey.
Perhaps in the process of creating a project, you will need to make some experiments. rag quilt In particular, if the selected hardware rag quilt will provide rag quilt the necessary strength. Conventional fastening designed for use in brick and concrete, and deciding how to make a plasterboard ceiling with his hands, if the base is markedly different from the usual, will have to spend some of the activities:
One or several types of fasteners intended for use, put on the ceiling and on the wall. To set the fastening, a suspended load or spring dynamometer make an effort at least twice the regulatory burden, which is determined based on the weight of the structure, and

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