- The German government spies with the National Security Agency amerykask - says Edward Snowden. chased by the U.S. for betraying secrets Pastwowe Snowden to interview German newspaper bamboo sheets "Der Spiegel". It will be published in the next issue of the magazine. American says, among others, that German politicians, ktrzy recently resented a spy for the American methods, "s in one bed with the NSA."
Edward Snowden in an interview with reporters, bamboo sheets "Der Spiegel" claims that wsppraca between the NSA and the German intelligence is "much more intense than before sdzono". Emphasize that Germany bamboo sheets is just one of such prey. American suggests that a violation of privacy of citizens, which allows for a German government is very serious and has a global scale. The interview was conducted, before the world found out about the existence of a Edward Snowden, and PRISM system. German journalists contacted up with American aid encrypted e-mails. Earlier Angela Merkel sharply skrytykowaa United States for the creation of PRISM. Conducted by the NSA surveillance of citizens porwnaa to methods which posugiway a Stasi intelligence subs. Merkel zapowiedziaa raise the issue during previously scheduled meeting with Barack Obama. - YOU can be confident that the Chancellor bamboo sheets will be talking with the president - Steffen Seibert informed, a spokesman for Chancellor. However, the German media zauwayy also that the government of Germany reacted to ogoszone by Snowden revelations of PRISM reserves. Why? Since the same use of information from of American sub. Expanding these swjwasny web spy system - supply, bamboo sheets "Der Spiegel". Service "Deutsche Welle" indicates, however, that German subs years Americans include transfers data collected by Deutsche Post. It turns out that all the letters from Germany sends the ocean's photographed (the German post office sorts every day more than 60 million strips). Then the data is transferring to the U.S.. Everything is done "within dugofalowych PROJECTS pilot." Union wants clarifications in Washington bamboo sheets Monday to meet up wsplna working group of the European Union and of the United States, ktrej task will zarzutw explains zwizanych with spying and country in the EU by an American intelligence. Poinformowaao the Vilnius Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, ktrej country presides bamboo sheets over the EU Council proczu. European Commission bamboo sheets President Jose Barroso informed that at the meeting of the working group poniedziakowym Uni will represent the European Commission, the Lithuanian Presidency and the European Suba It runs external. - This meeting will be devoted to wyjanieniu issues connected with data protection and the right of EU citizens to protect your privacy. We will consider a further ALSO over dziaaniami in this case - Barroso said at a press conference with Grybauskaite. - I hope that this process will bring explanations and contribute to the reconstruction and strengthening of trust, KTRE is necessary bymy able to conclude a partnership bamboo sheets agreement with ambitious trade and investment. Both sides are interested in doing so - add. "This will suspend trade negotiations with the United States' reports, allegedly under the intelligence PRISM amerykaska Safety Agency (NSA) zakadaa podsuchy in EU institutions, wywoay outrage in many EU countries. In addition, the NSA and the FBI miay disposal bamboo sheets of fixed assets-Fi data collected on servers czoowych online businesses. Following the disclosure of information by the media, politicians Some people have urged a halt start trade negotiations with the United States pending bamboo sheets an explanation bamboo sheets affair. As said Barroso, a compromise solution, and returns to workgroup that has the worked in parallel with toczcymi up trade negotiations, in order to avoid opnienia these wanych negotiations. BY Barroso Apart from issues connected with data protection and privacy, EU countries and the United States in May they talking about szczegach bamboo sheets It runs directly REGARDING intelligence connected with PRISM . - Issues intelligence lies within the competence of the mercy czonkowskich, and not the EU institutions - add the head of the European Commission. Venezuela and Bolivia bamboo sheets propose asylum Snowden is currently in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Occur on political asylum in many pastwach. Its prob ready to serve meets Venezuela and Bolivia. Bolivian President bamboo sheets Evo Morales owiadczy that his country will provide asylum ciganemu by weight Snowden, occur if he so requests. A similar declaration zoy Venezuelan President Nicolas bamboo sheets Maduro. Want to ongoing basis learned bamboo sheets a situation of Edward Snowden? bamboo sheets Have an Android phone? bamboo sheets pull our application Gazeta.pl LIVE! The most important information every day live on your phone!
SEE ALSO "Der Spiegel": Germany will not oburzyy a PRISM, because expanding own private spy system bamboo sheets "PRISM as the Stasi." Merkel and other EU politicians concerned about the methods of the U.S. White House PRISM weapons. "We have to defend against terrorist nard
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