Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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Healthy deep sleep - a pledge of full growth and development of the child. However, bedding small fidget in due time it is sometimes very difficult. The child will be more likely and will go to sleep if the children's room will be waiting for his cozy bed, the laid a beautiful and comfortable bedding. So what should be baby bedding? Try to understand.
I already gave the characteristic of fabrics, used to make linen in the article "Choosing good bedding." idfl There you can read about what to look for when buying bedding. These rules apply to adult lingerie, and children's. But the choice of bed linen for children has its own characteristics. idfl What is different idfl from the baby bedding adult? By underwear for children more demanding in quality, as children more delicate skin, they often perspire and turned in his sleep, are more at risk of allergies and sliding Synthetic idfl fabric for baby bedding is not suitable. Such tissues are often electrified, huddling com deliver discomfort Children's underwear children should be practical and durable because it has to be washed often an important role in choosing lingerie playing colors. The child is much nicer and more interesting to go to bed with your favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters. What should be the baby bedding are hygroscopic (absorbs moisture), natural, air-permeable durable, able to withstand frequent washing (must be strong not only the fabric but also the thread) pleasant to the body (should not have seams in the middle, slide, crumples, electrify, deliver discomfort). Better to choose the underwear without buttons, bows, ribbons and lace. It is certainly nice, but to sleep on such uncomfortable underwear. No odor (chemical smell indicates the use of poor-quality dyes) quality (without protruding threads, idfl with sturdy side seams, the fabric should not shine, and leave traces of paint on the skin). For details on how to choose quality underwear, idfl I wrote here striking, adorable, but not flashy. What are the best fabrics to choose lingerie for a child
It is better to choose baby clothes from calico, satin or poplin composed of cotton or linen fibers (look closely at the label, the composition should be 100% natural). In my opinion, idfl this is the best fabric. They are breathable, pleasant, comfortable, durable, eco-friendly, well-absorbent, long serve.
If the child's room is cool, the ideal option - flannel bedding from 100% cotton. Flannel is very soft, warm, comfortable, at the same time it is perfectly idfl breathable and absorbs moisture. Important notes: Before going to the store, idfl measure the mattress, blanket and pillow idfl baby. So you will be easier to understand how big the baby bedding you need In addition to sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers not hurt to buy a good mattress pad on the gums with a waterproof bottom layer. MATTRESS protect the mattress from dust, dirt and moisture. It should also pay attention to the selection of mattresses, pillows and blankets. To learn how to do it, I'll write another time very convenient to use the sheets with an elastic band, they do not go astray and do not form folds. In a blanket cover blankets idfl threading slot should be the bottom or side, not on the center, so that the child could get lost in it during sleep Convenient duvet and pillowcase with a zipper. However, before buying you need to carefully inspect the seams that are sewn zipper. They must be accurate and durable. Remember that long served as underwear and had a pleasant and nice for them to properly care for.
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