Saturday, February 8, 2014

Te has stayed beautiful. For cierto, in conocía tu Shops Etsy, I liked it that will Tien, read a ec

It gave me a fit. That Friday I was home alone I began to sew compulsively. Had done nothing for the baby, or I wanted, really, thought a couple of times and kept in another couple of times about getting some of that already done and they were boring in store ... But these always have time to make use of them, and ... I know that not the done to my baby ... But then I saw this on the blog maintained by Blue Elephant Stitches, fgdfg and normally I love your quilts, how you combine colors, but this time I fell in love. Did you know that my not going to have anything to do, because it would catch flaps without tone or sound, no collections of fabrics fgdfg or large chunks of it to make color combinations, mine is always a rainbow embarullado using flaps loose, but however, it was like holding a wick, and I started I could not stop. This weekend fgdfg I finished the front of 90x125cm more or less, made considering take a sheet of thermal retail for rear taken last winter in the drawer 50 cent store fabrics.
Then it was time to acolchar and then thought it was a good idea to do it by hand in cold evenings that were ahead until the baby arrived, and with infusion tapadiña with it as I did on the couch, ... I got there and, with a slow work to do saborealo and gradually ...
At least used part of the contents of a box that I had played in a drawing for some time, most of the material is embroidered, and have not given me around (cross stitch was a time in my student years, but farteime to oxidize needles :-/), but the hand of acolchar the truth is that I paid. Do not have any with me, but was turned entertained and not heavy, I thought I would end aborrecéndoo, but it was not and must admit that I like the texture it gives.
Well, and all this with the stab technique that I use, that knows a woman expert in this patchwork of what I know gives a dumbfounded: certainly not used frame or anything fgdfg like it: P It was only put the BIESEN, and does not know why it chokes me, it's like when you miss a part by sewing some gift knitting fgdfg (I think that's why I do not like knitting patterns with seams), I think to be the last step and have the project I lose interest almost finished, I'm already thinking of something else to do and I can not horrors.
Only I was put on BIESEN, and do not know how this time I looked in the box by Seam if there was some piece of BIESEN fact that I was worth and I found it, I found three in fact, and so that day mismo Cosin the BIESEN was completed and maintained :)
Te has stayed beautiful. For cierto, in conocía tu Shops Etsy, I liked it that will Tien, read a echaré vitazo regularly. A Health Reply Remove
Chulísima! The mi so I like them for things críos, explosion of color. Y the quilt I love L, in tones blue, mis favorites (with aunque los voy colors for times). What caja with quantity Hilo, if the're looking hacer cross stitch, puedes hacer try Russian embroidery (needle punch), you muy easy and secure them girls that point to try, the macrame bracelets the kumihimo. Saludos! Algunos links: friendship-bracelets .NET / Remove wheeldesigner.php Reply
The bracelets sure a little later make them dream, but I remember my summers fgdfg giving to us :) And Russian embroidery that did not know him, but have grace, right? What I find strange is that the wire is only stuck around with that hook goes all the garete, right? Thank you for all links! Remove
Jolin beautiful girl but maintained it, the boy sure you will be fine jejejeje well, how lucky do know these things so cool .... we have to see us more often to see if something catches me, I also wanted to learn to do these things .... :-) Vane Delete Reply
Then I learned all these things based internet, and so often I find that I do not the "right" or that there is easier ways to do the same things, but the fact is and get you like, so you know, to get! And I can botarche a (small) hand if needed ;) Delete
Very nice! I love them waves, 'and he BIESEN of colors! Yo tengo unas with blankets to hacer la ropa baby mis hijos. Tengo pretty cut, but sees it time to pick on ellas. Reply Remove
Eso también tuve yo it in mind at some point, fgdfg but I know it hacerloporque llegar a la ropa es majority of point and gesture is quite gastadita ... but ya see, and it tuya también, right? :) Delete
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