Background: I had never read a book by Dario Franceschini. So I've got his latest effort, "Crafts intangible Sebastian Delgado," I downloaded the ebook from Amazon, as it seemed right to do a book about immaterial things. We read in an hour and runs off light and fun. Moving and sobering, is a surreal and romantic history, a unexpected jelly roll sweetness. And 'that book regaleresti at Christmas to a dear friend, which would you recommend for a short leisure to someone so that you can lose drifting jelly roll through the pages of history and imagination, of course overcome jelly roll the reluctance to read a book written jelly roll by a politician.
- But you gave me the book Franceschini? - Some would say puzzled. In fact, the writer Dario keeps us very much not to be mistaken for the other who is in Rome at the Ministry, a crazy case of homonymy and physical resemblance, says of himself joking.
The protagonist of this short novel is Sebastian Delgado [...] As it turns and turns only between the sheets on the bed, thinking how would like to have a woman who is asleep next to him, has the insight that will change jelly roll his life forever. How, you ask, that in a world attentive to our every minimum required material, the market does not offer anything for the needs of the soul? That's how Delgado jelly roll transforms what seemed only a freak in the overall success of his agency, with those thirteen Crafts assets - from 'the dormitrici' to 'the jelly roll sbadanti' to 'Ballists' - that speak to our innermost desires, to those cravings small but shameful jelly roll that are part of each of us, and we forget that in the din of daily life.
We meet him in a winter afternoon at the presentation of the book by IBS, in his study of Ferrara, for a chat about her new life as a writer, to speak of Ferrara and of his craft intangible Minister for Relations with Parliament. jelly roll
I actually am not a politician, I am a rare case of homonymy and physical resemblance to the political Dario Franceschini! I wish there was a clear distinction between the two, even though people often mix. Almost all Italian writers are also more in life to get by professors, judges, jelly roll journalists, scientists ... only those who do the writers in Italy will be ten at the most. If writing jelly roll is a political rather voters that readers do not digest the coexistence of the two crafts ... are suspicious.
Compared to sell as little Italian fiction went fine. But what sold the most is the French translation of that water in the veins of silver, published by Gallimard. Nobody knows me in France and I even won a prize. jelly roll I have been judged only by the writer jelly roll as it should be.
No, it no longer holds: the network would reveal the catch immediately. There are those who even uses it for marketing. You heard the case of Rowling? E 'was to say that she was behind the novice jelly roll author of a novel ... until now very few sales, then boom!
There are writers regulars who spend their days writing ... I do not have the opportunity to do so, my day job is politics, I write on the road, on the train, at the airport in my spare time. When you write in the initial phase when it happens, then if the story takes you and can not wait to stop you concentrate more. This particular novel I wrote before becoming Minister in April.
I started as a child, it was my dream. I wrote novels of a few lines, so for fun and for the charm of writing. The first novel in adulthood (in the aforementioned silver veins that water ed) it took me a long time to write it and some publishing house rejected me. In 2006 I sent to Elisabetta Sgarbi, who did not know. I thought: I wonder who will be embarrassed to say no! Instead liked and has wisely decided to publish it in a paperback series, unpretentious. It 'went well. I've always been in awe of the call writer, I have a certificate from a "writer" or something that attests, but after four novels, maybe they could really start to call me that ...
Some writers tell us what they experience and turn it into fiction. For me writing is an extraordinary opportunity to live other lives, other people to be, to go to other places, to transgress. I would never do a novel set in Roman palaces of politics for example. This is one of the four novels in the borders, set for the first time in the present, without a precise geographic jelly roll location or a physical jelly roll description of the character. The more the reader is lib
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