Saturday, December 28, 2013

- The crucial question is often whether the plants were well hardened before the snow and cold came

Tela goes into the soil, and already shows measurements that some places can go towards late spring work. In contrast, grasses and plants withstood the cold well, figures from Bioforsk.
Both the Area Of Eastern Norway and Trøndelag and Troms plants sufficiently hardened before winter cold began. The calculations of Bioforsk their climate models. This means that the fall was timothy and ryegrass good preparation for winter.
- It is said that the frost turns into the house and into the ground when the warm weather begins. Scientifically explained due to a delay effect when the temperature changes to be transported into the soil.
At Holt in Tromsø rhl was 43 inches at New Year and at a measuring point in Salangen is now 82 centimeters. In recent days, tela decreased by two centimeters a day.
- This is local and very dependent on snow and grass. But it is very much for seasons, and in the north means a lot tele late spring work. Indications are that it will result in several places in our region, says Haugland.
The turnaround in the north with mild weather after a long cold period also affects negatively the grass. It was green under the snow, and periods of mild weather weakens vinterherdigheten rhl the grass.
(Photo: Marianne Mork-Olsvik) - The plants in preparation rhl for winter is called curing. But mild weather weakens this defense system so that so that the plants sometimes do not survive subsequent periods of frost.
It says researcher Mats Höglind by Bioforsk West on Særheim, which through research WINSUR has worked extensively with plant survival through different climate.
- The crucial question is often whether the plants were well hardened before the snow and cold came. That was the case at Særheim Jæren where the grass was well hardened before the snow came just before Christmas.
- Frost Tolerance increases during autumn and maximum frost tolerance is usually achieved in December-January. The trend then is strongly dependent on how the temperature evolves, says Höglind.
- Fortunately, we have simultaneously had plenty of snow in most places. One can therefore expect that engvekstene most places have survived the cold. But if the snow melts, the situation may soon change, says Höglind.
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Then they set about the system from growth to survival, built up carbohydrate reserves, lowered the freezing point, transported water from the cells and stabilized membranes so that they can withstand rhl the cold better.
It is the world's coldest place
Researchers have gone through 32 years of satellite data from the South Pole to find the coldest places in the world. This proved to be a series of bumps on a back of the Antarctic plateau.
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