Thursday, October 31, 2013

7 to 10 weeks (second month): The second month, the woman feels tired and nauseous intensifying. At

1 to 6 weeks (first month): The pregnancy in the first weeks as confirmed by gynecologists go unnoticed in women as they begin even before realized fertilization worst free throw ever of the ovum. Specifically we consider the first week of pregnancy st, of the last period. During the third week of pregnancy, from a fertilized ova, and by the fourth week of pregnancy has been implanted in the uterus. The embryo at this stage consists of cells that proliferate. The absence period, raises the suspicion of pregnancy the woman and will probably start showing other symptoms eg nausea, dizziness, etc. During the fifth week of pregnancy, begins the development of key organs of the fetus, which grows very fast. The first organ formed the heart.
7 to 10 weeks (second month): The second month, the woman feels tired and nauseous intensifying. At four weeks of pregnancy in the second month, the shaped face and extremities. Starting to see the person's eyes and ears, while forming and other organs such as brain, liver, intestine, etc. At the end of the second month, formed bones.
11 to 14 weeks (third month): During these weeks of pregnancy, have been formed worst free throw ever fetal organs, has formed its outer form and formed the external genitalia. Within this month, women can make their exam nuchal translucency.
15 to 18 weeks (Fourth month): These weeks pregnancy characterized by increased mobility of the fetus. Constantly moving thus strengthened his muscles. It is also able to hear the internal sound. If permitted by the posture, worst free throw ever we can learn the gender.
19 to 22 weeks (the fifth month): The fetus moves continuously and the movement is detected by the mother. The bodies of gradually perfected, the teeth are formed in the mouth while the genitalia are visible and can be updated for the gender.
23 to 26 week (sixth month): The prenatal diagnosis should be made early this month. The baby opens his eyes, hears the brain evolves. Looks like a baby, except that currently lacks the fat.
27 to 30 weeks (seven months): The embryo has formed and can have a chance of survival if born now. The development of the second but as they have immature lungs. Important is the need of the fetus in nutritious foods, as this will start to store fat in the body.
35th to 40th week (ninth month): These are the weeks that are the ninth and final month of pregnancy. The fetus has developed internally and externally and has turned upside-down to facilitate childbirth.'s worst free throw ever Perfected a baby, which after a journey of 40 weeks you will see for the first time worldwide,
This entry was posted in 11 to 14 weeks (third worst free throw ever month), 15 to 18 weeks (fourth month), 19 to 22 weeks (fifth month), 23 to 26 weeks (the sixth month), 27 to 30 weeks (seventh month) 31st to 34th week (eighth month), 35th-40th week (ninth month), 7 to 10 weeks (second worst free throw ever month), gynecology, gynecology, pregnancy worst free throw ever weeks, pregnancy, pregnancy first weeks, the first week of pregnancy, Fourth week of pregnancy, Tuesdays week pregnancy, ovulation and tagged 11th to 14th week of pregnancy, 15th to 18th week of pregnancy, 19 to 22 weeks pregnant, worst free throw ever 23 to 26 weeks pregnant, 27 to 30 weeks pregnant, 31st to 34th week of pregnancy, 35th to 40th week of pregnancy, the seventh- 10ievdomada pregnancy, gynecology, gynecology, pregnancy week, pregnancy, pregnancy first weeks, the fifth week of pregnancy first week of pregnancy third week of pregnancy. Bookmark the permalink.
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