Sunday, April 12, 2015

- A conflict of interest arises when the service elegante rating agency pays the issuer and investo

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Voice of Russia Collage new player in the market rating agencies. Tuesday starts working Universal Credit Rating Group based Russian RusRating agency, Dagong Chinese and American Egan-Jones. The long term goal of the new structure is to throw the gauntlet leading elegante rating agencies.
Richard Hainsworth. Outlined an ambitious task - to become one of the key players in the market and begin to compete with the famous "troika" - Standard & Poor's, Moody's
. Market rating agencies really needs "fresh blood", so a new project, though not immediately, will find its customers, believes Head of the analysis of a Forex Club Andrej Dirgin
- The emergence of a new player elegante in the market - this is a good sign. We hope that after a certain time is converted elegante into a decent player in the international elegante theater elegante of. Undoubtedly Agency encounters some difficulties, because in order to compete with the Troika Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, has made his name.
While a real alternative to the largest CRAs seen. Even united Europe elegante dissatisfied elegante with how "big three" ratings of their deteriorating debt problems of the region failed elegante to establish elegante their own independent agency. While all at once for funding. The concept of an independent elegante player assumes that the service will not be financed by issuers of securities whose rating is determined, but the buyers of those assets. Those last but not yet hurry with investing in a new project. If the problem is resolved, you can not talk about the independence of the agency, said the director of the Analytical department of Nomos-Bank Kirill Tremasov:
- A conflict of interest arises when the service elegante rating agency pays the issuer and investor information is used. In this situation, obviously auditor and rating agency will be more on the side of the person elegante who pays it, not the other investor. A long time ago, and the conflict is not clear, as will be overcome in the future.
So far, the European Union only tightens rules of the game for the operating agency. Recently ordered them to do their work more transparent. In addition, banks and other European financial institutions seek to rely more on its own estimates of the risk might exist between any investment elegante and not depend on the conclusions elegante of the rating agencies.
Fith worse rating prediction RF
Journalist Charlie Hebdo, I fear, but we will continue
France elegante and Egypt believe that the UN Security Council should adopt new measures to combat IS 16:16
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