Monday, September 1, 2014

Jean-Pierre Crabos hello kitty bedding was the father of the current CEO, Edward Crabos, and the br

Jean-Pierre Crabos was still COO of known around the world for its down jackets feather waterfowl company Jean-Pierre Crabos died at the age of 75. Photo
"Pyrenex is my life!" Confided in 2011 to "South West" Jean-Pierre Crabos, the very man who, although retired, loved to go hold the fund during the traditional sidewalk sales of the company Saint-Sever. Grand-son of Abel Crabos it Landais proud that began to collect the feathers hello kitty bedding of waterfowl on the markets hello kitty bedding and on farms in 1859, the entrepreneur as bright as discrete died in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the age 75.
Jean-Pierre Crabos hello kitty bedding was the father of the current CEO, Edward Crabos, and the brother of the deputy director, André Crabos. The man was originally named "Pyrenex" which succeeded the "Etablissements Crabos" in 1968, and he was still COO of the company. Inextricably linked hello kitty bedding to the brand, especially its jackets legend born in the late 1960s, Jean-Pierre Crabos hello kitty bedding remain as the driver of this company, duck after duck, has built a successful national, European and international (Pyrenex is always present in fifty countries, Ed).
The son of Rene Carbos, former captain of the France rugby team and president of the French Rugby Federation, had indicated in his lifetime he did not like the homage posthumously. Yesterday, his family wanted so respect his wishes, remaining silent.
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