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For three consecutive years, illustrating the character of champions "Voluktė again triumphed in the A league finals, this year the result was overruled 87:78 Sports Mania. Tense match, who finished at the end of the enhanced "Voluktė has gained a tangible advantage, hello kitty bedding which was to wrest from the hands of champions hello kitty bedding was too hard.
Experienced "Voluktės basketball players during the quarter was decisive not let break ahead and a step-by-step stated positions. Juozas hello kitty bedding Ramanausko colons, Girdvilos David, Matthew hello kitty bedding and Andrew Lisajevičiaus Aleksandrov distant shots, fruitful, despite the opposition's attacks came a pivotal moment "Voluktei" piled ten-point lead (82:72). Sports mania basketball players still have options, and encouraging time to recover, but Voluktė "too strongly held victory in his hands.
The most useful of the finals Aleksandrovas player has to win, plus a maximum of - 25 points (2/3 fine colons 04.07, 05.11 pointers). Also, "Voluktės hello kitty bedding striker grabbed 3 balls again to deliver the ball over and blocked the ball sparked 7 happy, ought twice and collected 26 utility scores. hello kitty bedding
Regular season leader LSU athlete-2 A small team stormed the league hello kitty bedding finals. hello kitty bedding Frustrated superb Laimono Eglinsko alumni game UNITED players have been forced to give up - "Athlete" hello kitty bedding He recorded hello kitty bedding victory of 98:68.
The award-winning teams and players by giving Kaunas City Council member and longtime president KKML Zydrunas Garšva happy league's viability: "We are pleased to see that the league counts twenty-year anniversary, which itself played a decade. Until now, I see the same faces - Well done, that has both health and energy. I would like to stress that the sport and the rest of life is not really the most important victory, the most important - never give up. "
" reserves hello kitty bedding the right to remove comments, which are uncultured, hello kitty bedding not related with the topic, signed with the wrong name, violate the law, promotes, incites illegal action.
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